How to Boost Your Metabolism for Optimal Weight

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How to Boost Your Metabolism for Optimal Weight

You might have heard a friend or family member say something about their metabolism slowing down. While it’s true that as you get older your body metabolizes food at a slower rate, it’s not entirely that simple.

Many factors, such as your body size and genetics, play a role in the speed your body metabolizes food. One important factor is your fat to muscle ratio. Your body requires more energy to maintain muscle cells than it does fat cells, so it makes sense that people with more muscle than fat tend to have a faster metabolism.

Ladies, have you ever realized that your husband or male partner loses weight at a much faster rate than you? The harsh reality is that men naturally lose weight faster than women. It’s true! Men are genetically designed to burn fat more quickly, have more lean muscle mass, and a naturally faster metabolic rate. So whether you are a man or a woman also plays a role in how fast your body breaks down the food you eat.

All is not lost though! I’m about to give you some exciting news and let you know about two metabolism-boosting supplements that can help you achieve your optimal weight. First, let me explain what exactly your metabolism does, the different metabolic types, and the signs your metabolism has slowed down.

What is Metabolism?

Did you know that how fast you digest food is only part of your metabolism? The word metabolism is actually one that describes all the chemical reactions that take place to maintain your body. Simply put, it is a process that combines the nutrients from your food with oxygen from your blood to create energy.

Your body uses energy all the time, even when you are resting. You need it to breathe, balance hormones, circulate blood, repair cells, grow new cells, and more. The number of calories your body uses is known as your basal metabolic rate. This is what most people think of as just their metabolism.

Factors Determining Basal Metabolic Rate

As I mentioned earlier, there are three primary factors influencing your metabolic rate:

  • Your body size – People who are larger, or have more muscle mass burn more calories, even when resting. There are three body types that determine your metabolic rate and I will discuss those shortly and why it matters.
  • Your sex – Men tend to burn more calories than women, and generally have less body fat and more muscle than women the same age and weight.
  • Your age – As you get older your body has more fat than muscle. Your muscles shrink as you age, which means calories turn into fat. This slows down your metabolism and makes it more difficult to exercise it off.

In addition to your basal metabolic rate, two other factors play a role in how many calories your body burns each day – digestion and physical activity.

Your body uses calories during the digestion process, however, digestion only burns about 10% of the calories you get from your food. That means your body uses the remaining 90% of calories you eat in a day for other functions such as breathing, heart rate, and physical activity. When your body runs out of calories to burn, it begins burning your stored fat cells for energy. This is why creating a calorie deficit is the only way to lose weight. However, there’s a catch!

The Calorie Deficit Paradox

The science behind weight loss starts with a calorie deficit. However, there’s a paradox when it comes to calories and metabolism. You see, calories do not control your metabolism – hormones do!

Let’s start with the pancreas and the hormones insulin and glucagon. The pancreas produces insulin to regulate blood glucose levels when they begin to rise and glucagon in response to low blood glucose levels. This is how your body breaks down carbohydrates and turns them into energy.

The reason that’s important is because the basal metabolic rate, which is the amount of calories required to rest, is determined by the thyroid hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), which also regulate glucose.

The pituitary gland produces the thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) that controls the release of T4 and T3 hormones from your thyroid. However, if your thyroid is underactive it ultimately slows down your metabolism and prevents you from losing weight.

Hypothyroidism Slows Your Metabolism

An underactive thyroid doesn’t produce enough T4 and T3 hormones to adequately fuel your cells. Hypothyroidism is the most common form of thyroid disease and causes a general slowdown of your metabolic processes. This slowdown can be permanent if you don’t use functional medicine principles to correct it, which is why those who lose significant amounts of weight in a short time end up putting the weight back on.

The good news is that you can boost production of your T3 and T4 hormone levels with exercise. Eating foods rich in iodine such as seafood, seaweed and shellfish can also boost production of these essential hormones.

The paradox is that in order to lose weight you need to lower your calorie intake. When you reduce calorie intake, your body realizes this and conserves calories by signaling your thyroid to slow down the release of T3 and T4 hormones, which slows your basal metabolism. This makes weight loss and maintaining an optimal weight more difficult.

It doesn’t have to be. I will share ways to boost your body’s metabolism while maintaining an optimal weight in just a minute. You don’t have to count calories in and calories out. There’s a better way. First, let’s discuss the types of metabolism and how to tell which one you are.

Types of Metabolism

There are three different metabolic types: ectomorphs, mesomorph, and endomorphs. You likely will identify with one of these. Understanding which type of metabolism you have is essential to determining the right food and lifestyle choices for optimal weight. Let’s take a closer look.

Ectomorph Metabolism

This metabolic type typically has a long, lean body with little fat and little muscle. They struggle to put on weight because they have a fast metabolism, which allows them to burn calories at a much faster rate. If you fall into this category, you likely can eat anything and not gain a pound. A diet with a high-calorie intake filled with healthy fats such as olive or avocado oils and wild-caught fish, along with fruits and vegetables is key to reaching an optimal weight with this body type.

Mesomorph Metabolism

Mesomorph bodies are characterized by their athletic, solid, and well-defined bodies. This is commonly referred to as the “athlete’s body.” They aren’t overweight or underweight, however, they can gain both muscle and fat easily. If you identify with this body type, you will want to watch your calorie intake. However, this body type has a much easier time losing weight than the other two types. For optimal weight, this body type requires a balanced diet of carbohydrates, protein, and fat. This type also benefits from a protein supplement to curb sugar cravings and promote a healthy metabolism.

Endomorph Metabolism

This metabolic type is usually characterized by a large frame and a higher body fat percentage. If you gain weight and/or muscle easily and struggle to take it off, consider yourself this body type. This body type has the slowest metabolism of the three metabolic types because of its efficiency in storing nutrients and energy. They have faster rates of fatigue since the body is less inclined to use the stored nutrients and energy. If you identify with this body type, I recommend a diet high in protein, healthy fats, and leafy greens.

Symptoms of a Slow Metabolism

There are certain warning signs that your metabolism is slowing down. Remember, your metabolism slows down naturally as you get older. However, measuring your metabolism is a very complex process. That said, there are certain warning signs that your metabolism has slowed down.

  • Sudden weight gain: The first sign of a slow metabolism is unexpected weight gain. If you have been eating healthy and still gaining weight, it could be your metabolism.
  • Weight that won’t budge: The stubborn weight that you can’t seem to get rid of – especially around the middle of your body – is likely a sign that your metabolism is slow. This weight will not shift no matter what diet or exercise goal you set for yourself.
  • Hormone imbalances: You already know that hormones determine your metabolism, not calories. They also play a role in body fat distribution. When these are out of whack, your metabolism might be as well.
  • Blood sugar regulation: A slow metabolism is often linked to insulin resistance. One of the common signs of insulin resistance is constant sugar and carbohydrate cravings. Since your body isn’t properly utilizing insulin, your body can’t process sugar and carbohydrates for energy and stores them as fat.
  • Menstrual cycle irregularities: A common cause of slow metabolism is a thyroid disorder, which regulates the hormones I mentioned ealier. If your thyroid is not working properly, it can cause irregular cycles or more cramping than usual.
  • Digestive issues: Problems with your digestive system, such as bloating, leaky gut, irritable bowel syndrome, and constipation are signs of a slow metabolism.

Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

If your metabolism has slowed down, it can be frustrating trying to reach your optimal weight. We’ve all been in that situation where those pesky pounds just won’t seem to go away. The empowering part is that you CAN reverse a slow metabolism and support a healthy metabolic rate! I will tell you how you can do that with two effective metabolism supplements – conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and green tea extract.

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)

Linoleic acid is the most common omega-6 fatty acid. It’s found in industrial trans fats such as hardened vegetable fats found in most baked goods such as margarine, butter, or ghee.

The prefix “conjugated” has to do with the double bonds that occur in natural trans fats, which are very different from industrial trans fats. CLA is a naturally occurring trans fat found in beef, however, there is no way to know how much CLA is in the beef you are eating because it varies greatly depending on farming techniques and can be nearly impossible to get enough from diet alone.

CLA Facilitates Fat Metabolism

CLA facilitates increased fat metabolism and improved lean muscle tone. Clinical evidence shows linoleic acid helps modulate the metabolism of fat, which helps your body utilize food for energy.

It has also been shown to support healthy levels of triglycerides in the bloodstream — in other words, it blocks your body from building fat stores.

By increasing fat metabolism, CLA helps your body burn more calories throughout the day, even at rest, and helps you utilize energy more efficiently.

So if you’ve been frustrated by other “miracle” solutions that haven’t delivered the results you want, it may be as simple as you not getting enough conjugated linoleic acid. The good news is that you can supplement your diet with this game-changer for optimal weight. CLA is my first-ever clinically formulated metabolism supplement for healthy weight management.

Green Tea Extract

Green tea is primarily known for its antioxidant content due to its high levels of catechins, a powerful antioxidant found in berries, tea, and coca. Studies show that a cup of green tea significantly increases antioxidant production in your body. The most important catechin found in green tea is epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which doubles as a free radical scavenger and fat burner. EGCG is a powerful fat-burning accelerator that revs up your metabolism and boosts your energy levels. The best part is that it’s all-natural!

The Benefits of EGCG Without Caffeine

It’s true you can find this powerful antioxidant in green tea, however, green tea contains the toxic ingredient caffeine so I recommend most people avoid it. What if I told you that you can get optimal amounts of EGCG without the toxic effects of caffeine?

After numerous months of research, I formulated a blend of botanicals, marine supernutrients that help your body burn fat cells, and EGCG from green tea extract without the caffeine for a metabolism supporter called Integrative Peptides Can’t Weight.

The EGCG in Integrative Peptides Can’t Weight influences the control center of your body: Your brain. The EGCG from the green tea extract works with the nutrients from the botanicals blend and marine supernutrients to increase your levels of serotonin – the neurotransmitter responsible for controlling appetite!

When taken together, CLA & Integrative Peptides Can’t Weight work synergistically on your gut-brain axis to accelerate fat metabolism and stop cravings in their tracks. In addition to these nutrients, I always recommend a high-quality protein powder to those looking to achieve optimal weight. Protein curbs sugar cravings and promotes a healthy metabolism.

The Master Gut Class (Self-Paced 8 Modules) with 1:1 COACHING ™ Program

What if there was a way to get all the benefits of protein, CLA, and Integrative Peptides Can’t Weight all in one place, along with an abundance of other resources to help you achieve an optimal weight by supporting your body’s basal metabolism?

Then, I have even more good news for you!

After working with thousands of patients and helping hundreds of them meet their weight loss goals, as well as tackling my own stubborn weight gain problem, I created The Master Gut Class (Self-Paced 8 Modules) with 1:1 COACHING ™ Program, which includes CLA, Lean, and Double Chocolate Paleo Protein, as well as a comprehensive program and all the resources you need to get you on track towards achieving optimal weight.

In addition to the game-changing supplements, this program includes tools to help you on your path to optimal weight including:

  • Program guide: A walkthrough of the program with step-by-step instructions on how to get started and guides to your supplements and how to tame the toxins that can sabotage your weight loss efforts.
  • Meal plans: I included two 30-day meal plans – a standard and a keto plan – that include a variety of delicious meals and snacks.
  • Recipes: Simple and delicious recipes to nourish your body and enjoy on your weight loss journey.
  • Sleep guide: Tips to help you optimize your sleep and avoid some of the common pitfalls that will keep you from tossing and turning all night.
  • Goal setter: Weekly tracker for you to write down your goals and track your amazing progress throughout the program – you’ll track increased energy, inches off your waist, better digestion, and of course pounds lost.
  • Activity tracker: A 30-day tracker to keep you motivated as you work towards your movement goals (regardless of where you’re starting out) while following the program.

I want you to continue and build on your success after you complete this groundbreaking program so I have also included a lifetime roadmap to help you make this a way of life after you’ve completed the first 30-days.

You cannot slow down aging or do anything about genetics, however, slow metabolism does not have to be permanent! CLA, Integrative Peptides Can’t Weight, and The Master Gut Class (Self-Paced 8 Modules) with 1:1 COACHING Program were created to help people like you to take back their health. By using these tools, you can boost fat metabolism and get on the path to your optimal weight!

Metabolism FAQs

How can I boost my metabolism?

The best way to boost your metabolism is by eating plenty of protein, drinking enough water, exercise, drink green tea, and use coconut oil as a cooking fat.

What are the three types of metabolism?

There are three different metabolic types: ectomorphs, mesomorph, and endomorphs. You likely will identify with one of these. Understanding which type of metabolism you have is essential to determining the right food and lifestyle choices for optimal weight.

Is a slow metabolism permanent?

It can be. If you have an underactive thyroid it can cause a general slowdown of your metabolic processes that can be permanent if you don’t use functional medicine principles to correct it.

Dr. Grace smiling

Meet Dr. Grace

Dr. Grace Liu (PharmD, AFMCP), a functional medicine practitioner with an international integrative medicine practice that includes group classes, private consultations, functional laboratory analysis, and personalized gut protocols.

Dr. Grace is a widely respected educator who brings together extensive research, cutting-edge scientific insight, and an irreverent sense of humor to create smart, effective programs and custom-formulated supplements.

Dr Grace's clients include Zoila Frausto first lady at Bellator, Noad Lahat Bellator & UFC MMA fighter, Kyle Kingsbury retired UFC fighter, 8-time world title holder Miriam Nakamoto, executives and multitasking moms. She helps her clients reduce fatigue, fat, brain fog and food allergies in 6 months or less.

The Gut Institute helps people understand and advocate for their gut health, so they can enjoy strong, healthy lives.

Dragon Mojo
Helps to control weight issues related to anabolic-catabolic imbalance
Battling the bloating, brain fog, and low energy that can come from poor gut health
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